Here’s Your Chance.

Really, why give more of your time, money, and emotions, yet be compensated with heart-break? Why do you have to introduce yet another person to your friends and family who also won’t walk you down the aisle or take the marriage vow with you? Why should you again invest in a failed relationship? Do you still have to go through the same cycle of shame, frustration, humiliation, depression and anger that comes with being dumped?

Hell no! Not again!

The mental, psychological and emotional pain that follows a heart break is way too much to gamble with your heart one more time.


My name is Paul LAWAL.

When I met my wife Eva, a beautiful and intelligent woman, I had one big fear.

If you ever had a very sweet relationship that failed eventually, or you have been in more than two relationships that defeated your thoughts and brought you down, deflated and broken on your knees, then you can relate with this…


Nothing scares us more than seeing the person we love falling out of love, or seeing them falling in love with another person.

That’s right!

To invest my time, resources and emotions in a relationship, only for it to become a total flop? To have high hope and expectation and have them trampled upon by some reckless and careless devil’s dogs?

No sir!

Not at this age!

Like you, I was scared to let down my guard at first. I was afraid because she was too good to be true. And most beautiful ladies with intimidating brains are a piece of puzzle. I mean, people like that generally are not easy to deal with.

For the sake of my heart and personality, I needed to be sure she was a good match for me. The reason was that I made her my last card [I gave up everything to have her]. I couldn’t just gamble.

That was the birth of the book: “STEP UP YOUR GAMEYour Best Guide To Practical Relationships. I needed to do something truly remarkable, something that will stand the test of time, and yes, something I will have to put to the test.

What do you think?

I cracked it!

My ingenuity came to fore!

It was a complete breakthrough! A total knockout!

I have never had it like the raw bliss I share with my wife. She turned out to be the best, not of her own will, but largely my input.

Don’t you crave the experience?

I bet you should!

You deserve to be happy. You deserve a great relationship.

That’s not the best part, even.

I have perfected the book over the years. You see, I have helped people with their relationships for over a decade and the knowledge has been compressed in a book, “STEP UP YOUR GAME” Your Best Guide To Practical Relationships.  The result is impeccable and the process is simple as 1,2,3!

Paul, c’mon! It’s no big deal. Time heals people.

Well, yes! But before you hide behind those motivational stretchers, don’t pretend  you don’t secretly wish and pray you don’t have another failed relationship/marriage.

Do you really have to fail before you learn? Who even made that rule?

Listen, before you get entangled emotionally, probably again, what if…

  • There is a well-structured way to know whether or not a relationship is worth your time and attention?
  • You can tell if the person you’re meeting is right for you before you fall too deeply in love?
  • There’s a way to actually decode people’s intention and interpret their actions correctly?

Would that make your journey easier? Would it make you happier?


That’s my offer!

Paul, okay, what is this really about?

I’d get to that in a moment. Let me quickly tell you something.

I met my wife when I just lost a relationship in a very painful way. The relationship I gave up almost everything to secure, even the relationship I had before then! My hope was very high.

You know, it is one thing to give up everything in order to secure a relationship. It is another thing entirely to lose it all and hit the rock.

You shouldn’t risk it all again, trust me.

         At times you ignore warnings from friends and family which may threaten      your relationship with them

·        At times you even lose your job.

·        At times you sacrifice some friends for your relationship.

·        Maybe your lover wants you relocated, and you did.

·        At times you give all your savings.

·        Maybe you’ve even given your body to be used

·        You’ve displayed their pictures on all your social media pages

·        You might have even done some things you’re not proud of.

Would you risk losing all of those?

It would make perfect sense if you have a happy ending, wouldn’t it?

Obviously, the investment in time and money might not be a big deal.


The emotional cost of losing it all to a failed relationship is too much to invest in a gamble.

In 2016 alone, I helped a lot of people manage their emotions after a painful heart break. Those people turned to me only when their relationships failed. When they won’t stop coming, I had to write a blog post on:

How To Get Back Your Ex And Not Lose Them Again

How To Let Your Ex Go Without Hurting Yourself.

How To Deal With Tough Relationships

7 Practical Ways To Connect Deeply With Your Love

I just couldn’t keep up with the unending numbers.

I recall a woman called me one morning and said, “Paul, I’m done with my marriage. I just want you to know.”

Another lady woke me up before 6:00am and cried profusely one Sunday morning. I had to go late to church because I needed to help her heal emotionally.

More people fail in relationships than they do on their jobs, even highly intelligent people.

What if I present you with a seemingly magical preventive programme; something that really would guide you through your search and save you the cost of patching your heart, would you take it?

People always ask:


Can I ever find true love? How will I know it is true love?

How will I know a person is meant for me so they don’t waste my time?

How can I make my relationship work?

How can I make my spouse/lover love me more?

This is my best answer: “STEP UP YOUR GAME” Your Best Guide To Practical Relationships.


You cannot go wrong with this book.

You will learn:

  • How to know a person is or isn’t right for you
  • How to understand and keep your relationship deal breakers in view
  • How to spot time wasters
  • 12 key rules to play with
  • The key characteristics of a relationship that leads to marriage
  • How to know a cheating partner
  • How to deal with and save a cheating partner
  • How to find someone who loves you and how to marry someone you love
  • Your relationship tripwires; how to play to your advantage.
  • How to test your compatibility level and what it means

Now, if you have read my FREE book, “7 Acts Of Great Relationships” you will understand I love to over-deliver.

And finally, you will have an unrestricted access to me at any time of any day for 30 days. It means I will personally be your love guide and you can ask me any question.

How does it work? What exactly will I get?

·       #1.  You will get the e-book “STEP UP YOUR GAME” directly delivered to your e-mail

·        #2. You will get some work sheets, practically written to walk you through your decision making process

·       # 3. Questions you must find answers to. These will prepare your mind ahead and prevent you from trip falling into a wrong relationship

·       #4. Practical love boosters. You will learn how to love and make anyone fall for you.

·        Discussion session. Where you get to talk to me and ask me questions that bothers your mind. Any questions!

BONUS: I will also mail you the AUDIO and PDF Version of my top-notch book, “7 Acts of Great Relationships

Here’s the truth – you don’t want to risk your heart and gamble with your emotions without first reading the book, “STEP UP YOUR GAMEYour Best guide to practical Relationships.

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Account name: Paul LAWAL

Account number: 0035301357

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Make the payment NOW!

#1. Pay Into My GTBank Account [online/offline, ATM or bank transfer or even bank deposit… any method is fine]

Account name: Paul LAWAL

Account number: 0035301357

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Think about it…

That’s a little investment. It’s nothing compared to the cost of your emotional pain. And less than what you spend on recharge cards weekly.

That’s it! Now it’s your choice.

You can decide to take that one-time step, save yourself emotional pain and get it right, right now or you neglect this super opportunity and gamble again with your emotions.

Remember, you don’t have time to waste

#1. Pay Into My GTBank Account [online/offline, ATM or bank transfer or even bank deposit… any method is fine]

Account name: Paul LAWAL

Account number: 0035301357

Bank name: GTBank

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By what means will you coach me? Through phone calls [at your expense], live chats or via e-mail.

Is the access for life? NO! Only for 30 days. That’s enough time to bounce back.

Do you have a hard copy of the book? No! it’s only in e-book format for now.

How will I get the book? It will be sent to your e-mail once your payment is confirmed.

How long does it take to get the book? You will get your book in less than 5 hours after your payment has been confirmed.

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