I love to ask questions because they drive in the answers and give us clarity to deep things. They also give us amazing options we never consider. Now let me ask you: what are the two up-to-the-minute words you’ve heard?

Would you think for a second? Let me help you, I’m sure you’d recall shortly. The two currently most used words across the globe are: Goal setting [New Year resolutions]! You remember now? Good.

There have been a lot of noise about goal setting lately and I’m sure it will keep circulating until the first quarter of the year. Yet the traditional goal setting process has failed us, repeatedly. You know how long you’ve been setting goals.

Studies have shown that 25-30% of people abandon their New Year’s resolutions after one week. Do you know that only about 8% of people achieve their new year’s resolution? Do you also know that most people don’t even remember what their resolutions are after a few weeks?

Let me ask you:

Did the whole goal setting stuff work last year? I bet you forgot about your goals few weeks after you set them. Here you are again, ready to create the process that has failed you many times. You’re still going to fail at it if you’re not trained to handle it.

There is however one key thing you must do before you set goals [that’s if you need one]. It is very important that you do it, otherwise, your goal setting programme will be a waste of time. Before I tell you what you must do in order to set your goals [again, if at all you need one], let me ask you another question:

Between self-evaluation and goal setting, which comes first? I bet you’ve not given it a thought. In reality, that is the single reason you’ve always failed at goal setting. Setting goals does not give you the key to achieve your dreams. It has the power to make you feel terrible and frustrated. That is what happens when you miss out of your goals, it’s the feeling you get when you lose hold on them. You know how you felt the last time your goal setting programme crashed.

Let’s get you evaluated:

Select the answer that appropriately describes you. Here are your questions below…

#1. I always forget I set goals few weeks after I set them

    (a) Very much like me     (b) Not at all like me

#2. I don’t always feel compelled to work on my goals

   (a)Very much like me       (b) Not at all like me

#3. I easily forget the real reason I set my goals

  (a) Very much like me       (b) Not at all like me

#4. I don’t always feel passionate about my goals

(a) Very much like me         (b) Not at all like me

#5. I don’t often get the needed momentum required to work on my goals

(a) Very much like me         (b) Not at all like me

If you answer “Very much like me” to ONE of those questions, please take your goal setting and resolution making plans and simply throw them into the trash can! Yes, you don’t need them, otherwise, they will leave you worse than you were last year.

What you need is an ALTERNATIVE to goal setting. Believe me, it will work wonders. I guarantee it will help you to double your performance, and leave you extremely productive.

Don’t get hard on yourself, the traditional goal setting just don’t work for most people. And that’s the reason I will graciously introduce you to what works, an ALTERNATIVE to goal setting.

Like I told you earlier, self-analysis should always come before goal setting. If what you do for many years is not working for you or making you a better person, you should review it.

The following steps will help you review strategies to adopt in 2018.

  1. Ask yourself questions:
  • Am I getting my desired result from my approach and strategies?
  • What am I not doing right?
  • What do I need to improve on?
  • What can I start doing to get more positive results?
  1. Review the process:
  • Think of how you do what you do
  • Figure out where the fault is: do you need more time to get stable, do you need a special skill to properly handle what you do? Do you need to pay more attention and learn to read in-between the lines? Do you rely more on your emotions, is it negatively affecting your results?
  • What should you change in order to get your desired result?
  • Make up your mind to improve on the process
  1. Change your strategy:

You really need to understand this – things will work perfectly if the process is good.

And what do you do to a faulty process?

Change it, Simple!

  • Change the process, change your environment, restructure your team, change your focus, and most importantly, change your mind.

Keep changing your strategies until you get what works for you. It’s the biggest secret I can ever reveal to you: REVIEW YOUR STRATEGIES UNTIL YOU GET WHAT WORKS.

  • If you can’t work at night, then work during the day. If you need more time, create it.
  • If you can’t work with too many people around, then work mostly when you’re alone
  • If you need an extra hand, get it. If you need to practice more, do it. If you need to add a step or remove one from your process, go ahead.

That should be enough for now, [I think I need a cup of coffee].

I will be back to introduce you to an alternative to goal setting. I wish you a productive 2018.

Let’s hear from you: What has been your experience with goal setting and how have you been playing around it? Please comment below.


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