Love is like a flower. It begins to die, gradually, when you stop caring for it. Essentially, things of worth are meant to be handled with care. Think of how to grow a business. Think of how to have a distinction in school. Think of how to lose weight. Think of how to make it to the top in your profession.

They all require that you’re intentional or deliberate about your methods and actions, right? It’s the same in relationships. You will be making a great mistake if you treat your marriage less than you treat your business. If you reverence your weight loss process more than you respect the acts of great relationships, you may not have a happy marriage.

Your relationship will begin to fail the moment you let it drive itself, I assure you.

Read This Interview: What Kept My Marriage For 43 Years: Secrets Every Couple Should Know.

The reason most relationships fail is usually that one or both partners don’t show…

  1. Care

Care, in a relationship, is not something you say, it’s something you do. You can’t just say ‘I care about you,’ you’ve to prove it. Being a part of your lover’s life – showing support, helping them ease their struggles, solving their problems the best way you can and being available when you’re needed, even when it’s not convenient are ways you show care.

While giving money and other material things may mean that you care, being careful not to hurt them is also care, and most people place more value on the latter. When your partner knows you truly care, they will naturally be drawn to you. The reverse is also true. Care creates bonds between lovers; it is the least that is expected in a relationship.

When you show care to people, they also want to see your…

  1. Commitment

In relationships, commitment simply means showing where your loyalty lies or choosing and proving who your heart belongs to. It proves who the most important person in your life is or who comes first in your life. And this affects everything about you – where you put your resources, who you share your deepest secrets with, who you spend your money with, who gets your attention the most, etc.

Commitment is the major factor or the index that determines trust. It’s the highest level of emotional security you can give to anyone. It’s like dedicating your life to someone, what more could the person possibly ask for? Actually, commitment is one of the real proofs of love. Care can be the reason a relationship started, commitment, however, is what sustains relationships. It’s the reason people choose to marry their partners. People who marry partners who show little or no commitment to their relationship have signed up to be unhappy. And the best sign to look out for when a lover is falling out of love is their level of commitment.

When you see a relationship that is failing, it’s most likely that one or both parties have dropped significantly in their level of commitment. When you show care and commitment to your partner, the last thing you need is…

  1. Consistency

Have you ever tried to lose weight? Did you ever attempt writing a book? The reason you couldn’t lose weight or write your book is that you stopped working on your goals at some point. You either got tired or distracted.

It’s the same in relationships. You can’t stop halfway. You can’t get distracted. You can’t give excuses. You have to keep doing whatever it is that makes your relationship rock. You have to keep making your partner happy in different ways.

Also read: The 1 Rule of Love

It may sound like a lot of work, but it’s really easy when you love someone and you’re willing to make your relationship work. If you know the reasons your partner fell in love with you or let’s say what they fell for, then keep doing it and even more.

It’s that easy.

Have a fantastic relationship experience.

Question: What other C can you add to the list? Let’s have it in the comment section

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